Hi I'm Kuldeep Daworaz and I'm a UX Designer

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Hi I'm Kuldeep Daworaz and I'm a UX Designer

Business Infomation Technology (BSc) graduate from Solent University finished with a 2:1 – Currently working as a freelance web developer introducing UX to SMEs


Case Studies

TH.0 //

Working for a hackathon company designing a website for hackathon events

TH.0 //
website redesign

Redesigning company website with integration of new services and revamped business model

Victoria Ichizli-Bartels

Working for a Danish gamification author redesigning her entire website

What-IF-It-Existed //
Food App

What I would do if I had the resources to make my own app

Victoria Ichizli-Bartels

Working for a Danish gamification author redesigning her entire website

Case Study - TH.0 //
website redesign

Redesigning company website with integration of new services and revamped business model

IoT projects

What-IF-It-Existed //
Food App

What I would do if I had the resources to make my own app

plant health monitoring system

University project building an IoT system for plant health monitoring

Case Study - TH.0 //
website redesign

Redesigning company website with integration of new services and revamped business model

Case Studies

What-IF-It-Existed //
Food App

What I would do if I had the resources to make my own app

Case Study - TH.0 // agritechathon

Working for a hackathon company designing a website for hackathon events

Case Study - TH.0 //
website redesign

Redesigning company website with integration of new services and revamped business model

Victoria Ichizli-Bartels

Working for a Danish gamification author redesigning her entire website

Blog posts

Plant health monitoring system

University project building an IoT system for plant health monitoring

“Good design is actually a lot harder to notice than poor design, in part because good design fit our needs so well that the design is invisible.”

– Donald A. Norman, The Design of Everyday Things

Kuldeep Daworaz

UX Designer


2020 - 2020

Lead UX Designer

Design a brand new website to appeal to new users to advertise and showcase hackathon events and encourage users to sign up or subscribe to a new subscription based hackathon model.
Click here to find out more

2019 - 2020


Using my qualifications, I have been working on a couple of projects with clients who needed their web presence re-evaluated, and using my UX traning, I have applied techniques to my work and introcuded an understanding of UX design to clients

2019 - 2020

IoT-based project

Over the past year or so, I have worked on a special project that I have a personal interest in, and due to the nature of obtaning a patent, I cannot divulge too much information on this matter.

About Me

I am a student of question. I enjoy asking questions and I enjoy finding the answer to questions I know and don’t know.

I enjoy finding ways to make my life and the lives of the people around me more efficient and enjoyable. Efficiency and enjoyability are a big part of my life. I like things that help improve my life and I like finding them out even more. I like finding the psychological implication of the things we do and the things that we don’t do, understanding these things allows us all to move forward.



Graduated in Business Information Technology (BSc) from Solent University with a 2:1


HDID & HCI Course


Finished 6th Form with an award for Excellence in IT


Adobe XD 62%
WordPress 50%
User Journeys 70%
Wireframing 78%
Photoshop 32%
Empathy Mapping 40%


Tiffany C. Kidwell

(617) 962 8802

Sarah Landry

(+44) 7951 288648

Diane Geter

(513) 585 5951

Sarah Landry

(+44) 7951 288 648

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